We know how important it is for you to be fit and well, ready to make the most of your kid-free time. Multi-tasking is a skill you’ve had to learn, and fast. And now that the kids are a bit older, you’ve finally managed to claim back some ‘you time’ each week. But you’ve had a bit of a niggle in your shoulder, probably strained it at body pump last week, but you didn’t have time to pay too much attention to it – until now. Oh yes, the same shoulder track from last week. Except this week, you can hardly lift your arm above your head.
This is a familiar story for our ThreeSixty osteos. Multi-tasking mums, we applaud you! Let that ‘me time’ also now extend into ‘treatment time’. It’s not a crime to want to feel good and be active, in fact it’s a necessity. Niggles that have been flying under the radar for a while often pick just the wrong time to give you grief. Our osteopaths can find all the small ways in which your body needs to change to be able to cope with anything again. We’ll get you back on track, and back to that fitness class you love. For the well-being of the whole family, the one who holds it together, needs to be ready for anything.
Sam’s osteopathic journey back to health
“It all started at a BBQ last summer. One of the kids was making a beeline for the swimming pool, so I had to sprint after him, and suddenly, I’m not sure how, but my foot went out from under me and I ended up flat on the floor with a whack. At first I thought “oh my god, I’ve done something really bad”, but then I slowly started to get up. My back was really sore, straight away, and it got worse that night. The next day, it felt alright, and I thought I’d had a lucky escape. I went to my RPM class that lunchtime, and by the end of the class I was stuck, I couldn’t get off the bike! I had to hobble out to the car like a little old lady.
I’d taken my daughter to ThreeSixty when she fell off the trampoline earlier in the year, and so I booked myself an appointment online. It was really easy and I could choose a time that suited me. I saw a different osteopath to my daughter, but he was just as friendly, and made me feel at ease. He did some tests to check where the problem was coming from and told me what he thought was wrong. It was great to know that although it felt bad, it was an injury that would improve. I wouldn’t hesitate to take any of my family there, if they need to [go].”