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We’re open for appointments, every week day… Feel better, pronto! 
Day in, day out, hard physical work. Sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the rain, but always work to be done.

The last thing you need is your body letting you down. Your body is your biggest asset and with skills that have taken years to acquire and perfect, you know how to do your job and do it well. But what about keeping your biggest asset in good working order? Like your tools. Would you leave them out in the rain, leave them to rust? No, of course not. You’d put them away, and make sure they were ready for use next time.

Your body is the same. In fact, this is a great way to think about it – keeping your body working like a well-oiled machine to make sure it doesn’t break down when you need it the most. Our osteopaths have treated men (and women) from many different trades, whether you have to crawl into all kinds of nooks and crannies as a plumber, craft cabinetry, operate a digger all day long, squeeze into tight spaces as an electrician or lean over the motor of a car, there’s no doubt this physical work can take its toll. We also know that if you’re out of action for any reason, you need to be better asap. Yesterday preferably. You just haven’t got the time to be off work.

At ThreeSixty, we’ll do everything we can, to get you back to work, pronto. We will give you advice as to what you should and shouldn’t be doing at work and at home, to make sure your recovery is as quick and long-lasting as possible. What’s going to make your pain better, and what is going to prolong your recovery. (You might not like it, but here you’ll get the truth). Let us help you get better. And hopefully you’ll be ready for fishing at the weekend too!



Ben’s journey to recovery:

“I had never thought of seeing an osteopath, I’d never had to, I was always fit and well. Used to play touch on weekends, and always seemed to be busy at work [as a builder]. But then I hit 40 and it all went wrong. First I was running at touch, and my foot skidded some mud and I snapped my knee back. It didn’t hurt too much, and I just shook it off and carried on. I forgot all about it really until my osteo was asking questions about any recent injuries when I suddenly remembered.

Anyway, the real problem came when I jumped down off of some scaffolding, not very far, but I landed awkwardly and twisted my knee. That one really hurt. It would kind of stiffen up if I hadn’t been walking on it for a while, like when I got out of the ute, or getting out of bed in the mornings. I put up with it for about 2 months, and then my wife told me she was fed up of listening to me complaining and booked me an appointment at ThreeSixty Osteo.

The osteo did lots of tests on my knee to see what the problem was. She told me how all of the different muscles and ligaments were supposed to work around the knee and how she could treat the pain. She put on some sports tape to last until the next treatment, and gave me some exercises to do which were really easy.

I’d definitely come back and see [the osteopath] again, its better than just putting up with it”

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