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Fitness Enthusiasts

Your training has been going great, you can’t believe how much better you feel, and then BAM! Injury strikes…

Fear not – we’ve treated all kinds of people, no matter their challenge. We know how important it is to achieve your goal, and also that it can be frustrating  when something stops you in your tracks!

Sport and staying healthy is important for all of us. We know New Zealanders are passionate fitness enthusiasts, no matter whether its Hockey, Netball, Soccer, Gym classes, swimming or something else. We’ve helped all kinds of people with all kinds of musculoskeletal problems.

Our osteopaths are experienced at finding out why your injury has come on, and dedicated to getting you better as soon as possible. Just tell us when your event is, or what you are training for. We can help you modify your training regime to maximise your body’s response to treatment. If you want extra stretches, or strengthening exercises to support your recovery, we’re happy to help with that too.



Here is Claire’s patient journey:

“I was doing a Tough Mudder event, and my foot got stuck in the mud. When I tried to pull it out, my trainer came off and I twisted my ankle. I knew I’d done something bad straight away. But I suppose the adrenaline made me carry on – plus I didn’t want to quit after training for 6 months.

I came to ThreeSixty Osteopathy through a friend who had also done the Tough Mudder, and I’m so glad I did. They didn’t make me feel silly for not stopping when I knew I’d injured myself and I felt relieved that I could get some treatment on it quickly.

What I found the most useful, was the stretches they gave me to do so that I could carry on running and keep my fitness up. I was previously doing lots of stretches, but none of them were really focused, and after seeing the osteo I had less stretches to do, but ones that were better for me.

For anyone thinking about trying osteo, I’d say give it a go. I didn’t really know much about osteo before, and I thought they only treated backs and necks. I felt that they really listened to me, and I’m really glad I went”.

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